I felt like I always had something holding me back in life, that I was always fighting some unseen force. And I was tired. Tired of not enjoying life.
"I met Sarah a couple of years ago at a Halloween party in North Wales; I was drawn to her energy (and her amazing head-piece thing), and we stayed in touch. Sarah and the beautiful Aisla came to stay with me and my daughter, Cadi, a few months ago - this was only the second time we'd met! But I felt like I'd known her for years. I feel like our stories have similarities, and when Sarah told me about AuraTransformation, I knew it was the next step for me on my spiritual journey.
I felt like I always had something holding me back in life, that I was always fighting some unseen force. And I was tired. Tired of not enjoying life. Tired of trying to escape what I had, and who I was. Having the AuraTransformation has changed my life. So many things..I don't know where to start! I have a completely different energy about me now! I am so happy! That mindless chatter of negative thoughts and feelings that crowded my mind before has gone, leaving me with space to just..be me!

I have more time and patience for my daughter. I am more approachable; strangers are attracted to me now, constantly approaching me for conversation. I am laughing so much.. living in that moment instead of worrying about anything. I am glowing! I have turned into a YES woman, with so many opportunities coming my way and just not enough time to fit everything in!
I have control over my feelings now. I can balance myself when I feel out of sync, and I can stop anyone's negative energy from affecting me. I was like a sponge before; absorbing the other person's mood and energy and constantly feeling low and even ill!
In short; Sarah came into my life for this reason. And I'm so thankful! ♥"
Catrin Jones

Catrin Jones


When I work with you I put myself in service to you, I become a mirror for you. I believe we are here to help each other coach our spiritual energy into the Now.

You are an inspiration to me and I would love to hear your stories even if you have not had an AuraTransformation™ and I may have inspired you on the way. So, please contact me privately to share your thoughts or join in with comments on my facebook page.

Many wonderful thanks to you.
— Sarah J